Thursday, November 12, 2015

Waterproofing the basement

Before we could begin framing the second floor we had to back fill around the basement walls.

First we needed to waterproof the walls. This involved rolling a layer of tar over the foam. After that we adhered a waterproof trim around the base.

After that we adhered rolls of a waterproof tar membrane. This helps keep water off the walls and out of the basement

Now we are ready to back fill!
Finally we used more tar (this time from a tube) to attach the dimple board. The dimple board helps drain water down toward the footing drains.


  1. Such a wonderful post. It was great that you pinned down every aspect of waterproofing
    For more information on the same, please click here

  2. I am so glad we didn't decide to build our own house. Just the waterproofing alone seems like a lot of work. I like our home, which has never had any trouble with the roof or basement leaking. I hope you have the same luck. If we ever do decide to build our own house though I will be looking you up when it comes to the waterproofing though.

    Gregg Hogan @ American Basement Solutions
